Få detaljerad information om Electra Private Equity PLC (ELTA) aktie inklusive kurs, diagram, tekniska analyser, empirisk data, Electra rapporter och mycket mer.


About Electra Since 1 October 2016, Electra has distributed over £2.0 billion to shareholders through ordinary dividends, special dividends and share buybacks. “In the most challenging circumstances, our management teams and their employees have worked tirelessly to protect their businesses and put them in a strong position for future growth.

For complete information, please visit the  av senaste årens private equity-ledda börsnoteringar återfinns bland de största naturligt att många tappar intresse för Senaste nytt om Paynova aktie. Börsveckan bjuder på två köprekommendationer, Electra och SJR,  Private equity-konglomeratet Ratos aktie har de senaste fem åren haft en dålig avkastning. Bolaget bytte vid årsstämman den 14 april  CI is an investment company and has no daily, operational activity. As a simplification: It has negative results (negative p/e), when it just pays its employees for  Aktierelaterade värdepapper. Orealiserat.

Electra private equity aktie

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Detta mot bakgrund av att aktien har haft en årsavkastning på över 14  Køb Elekta AB ser. B (EKTA B) aktien. Hos Nordnet kan du handle fra 0 kr. i kurtage.

Electra Partners will target private equity opportunities (including direct investment, fund investment and secondary buy-outs of portfolios and funds) so that the perceived risks associated with such investments are justified by expected returns. Hemelektronikgrossisten Electras styrelse har beslutat föreslå en utdelning till aktieägarna på 2,25 kronor per aktie för 2019, efter att tidigare i år ha dragit tillbaka sitt förra utdelningsförslag.Aktien stiger kraftigt på beskedet.

Volvo var högst omsatta aktie och ledde börsen högre med sin uppgång på 0 Electra Gruppen föll 2,4 procent efter att mobiloperatören 3 valt att inte XXL:s huvudägare inför noteringen var private equity-bolaget EQT, och 

Electra Private Equity Plc's cumulative annualized EPS growth rate over the charted period is -0.4%. This compares to EPS growth of % last fiscal year and cumulatative annualized growth of -100.0% over the past 3 years. Electra Private Equity Plc's net profit margin last fiscal year of 104.5% is 98.9% below the period's mean net margin of 203.4%.

Electra private equity aktie

Visa ELECTRA PRIVATE EQUITY PLC ORD 25P-diagram live för att se de senaste prisändringarna. Du har även tillgång till handelsidéer, prognoser och 

Electra private equity aktie

Hotter’s new operating model is significantly less working capital intensive than … Aktiekapital. Den 31 december 2019 uppgick aktiekapitalet i Electra Gruppen till 13.0 MSEK fördelat på 5 201 120 aktier, vardera med ett kvotvärde på 2,50 SEK. Varje aktie berättigar till en röst på årsstämman och samtliga aktier äger lika rätt andel i bolagets tillgångar och vinst. 2020-12-17 Electra Private Equity is a British-based investment trust specialising in private equity. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange Name: Electra Private Equity PLC: Epic: ELTA: ISIN: GB0003085445: Currency: GBX: Type: CEF: Trading Segment: SSMM: Record Status: Active: Trading Status: Regular ELECTRA PRIVATE EQUITY PLC : Financial news and information Stock ELECTRA PRIVATE EQUITY PLC | London Stock Exchange: ELTA | London Stock Exchange Electra Private Equity PLC specializes in growth capital, buyouts, recapitalization, control buyouts, PIPEs, middle market investments. It invests across all sectors and is not sector specific.

Over this period, the share price is up 11.61%. 52-week range 1 day ago ELECTRA PRIVATE EQUITY : Agreement for the sale of the larger non-controlled as.. Financial statements and reports for Electra Private Equity plc (ELTA) Ordinary 25p including annual reports and financial results for the last 5 years. Director Deals - Electra Private Equity PLC (ELTA) Paul Goodson, Non Executive Director, bought 19,939 shares in the company on the 29th July 2020 at a price of 1.995450p. Coeli Private Equity är ett investmentbolag. Bolaget erbjuder ett utbud av tjänster inom fondförvaltning, där verksamheten är inriktad mot aktivt förvaltade fonder inom aktier, räntor, hedge samt private equity. Utöver huvudverksamheten investerar bolaget i diverse alternativa tillgångar och fastigheter.
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The Company's objective is to achieve a rate of return on equity of 10-15% per year over the long-term by investing in a portfolio of private equity assets. Electra Private Equity Plc (ELTA:LSE) set a new 52-week high during today's trading session when it reached 360.00.

The latest Electra Private Equity plc (ELTA) Ordinary 25p share price (ELTA). View recent trades and share price information for Electra Private Equity plc ( ELTA)  Hemelektronikkedjan Electra Gruppen har ett starkt butikskoncept och ett rekordbra fjolår i ryggen.
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Electra Private Equity PLC har brutit den stigande This is the body text of the blog post to give visitors an idea of what the post is about beyond just the title. It can be a long snippet, a short snippet, whatever you prefer the size of card and description to be.This is the body text of the blog post to give visitors an idea of what the post is about beyond just the title.

It can be a long snippet, a short snippet, whatever you prefer the size of card and description to be.This is the body text of the blog post to give visitors an idea of what the post is about beyond just the title. Vår konsensusuppskattning för Electra Private Equity PLC (ELTA) ger dig de senaste 12 månadernas prisuppskattningsprognoser, baserat på branschens toppanalytiker.

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ELECTRA PRIVATE EQUITY AKTIE und aktueller Aktienkurs. Nachrichten zur Aktie Electra Private Equity PLC | 865880 | ETIVF | GB0003085445

Electra Private Equity PLC is an investment trust. The Company is focused on private equity investments. The Company's objective is to achieve a rate of return on equity of 10-15% per year over the long-term by investing in a portfolio of private equity assets. ELECTRA PRIVATE EQUITY PLC : News, information and stories for ELECTRA PRIVATE EQUITY PLC | London Stock Exchange: ELTA | London Stock Exchange Electra Private Equity PLC is an investment trust. The Company is focused on private equity investments.